Thursday, June 11, 2015

Philippine Consulate in Dubai Warns the public about EmGoldex

The Philippine Consulate in Dubai has issued a statement about the advisory of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Emgoldex Philippines.


As such, the public is advised to exercise the most extreme self-restraint in investing in Emgoldex Philippines and to take the necessary precautions in dealing with said company.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

EMGOLDEX - administrative complaint against it

An administrative complaint was filed against EMGOLDEX Team USA, Inc. by the Enforcement Section of Massachusetts Securities Division last October 22, 2014 as a result of an unregistered and fraudulent activity of the respondents, throughout Massachusetts, including the offer and sale of unregistered securities in a pyramid scheme. 

A part of the complaint describes EMGOLDEX in its usual scheme being adopted all over the world and it says, 

"EmGoldex is an illegal pyramid scheme disguised as a legitimate multi-level marketing company targeting investors both in Massachusetts and around the world. EmGoldex is purportedly registered in and maintains an administrative office in, the Seychelles, an island nation off the eastern coast of Africa. While representing itself as an internet-based store, specializing in the sale of gold, EmGoldex has no discernable retail sales activity and relies on new investor funds as its primary source of income. The substantial returns promised by EmGoldex to investors are based exclusively on the recruitment of new investors into the pyramid scheme. Investors have no incentive to sell EmGoldex's purported product, gold bars. Instead, investor efforts are focused on recruitment, which guarantees profits in excess of 1,105%. Respondents are at the forefront of recruiting efforts in the Commonwealth through an elaborate marketing and social media blitz. Respondents have ensnared hundreds of new investors from the Commonwealth into the EmGoldex scheme, with promises of fast, easy, and risk-free profits."

To see the complete copy of the administrative complaint referred above, copy and paste the following address in your browser -

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Ponzi Scheme - EMGOLDEX - how it works

Wikipedia has written the following about Ponzi Scheme and how it works:

"Ponzi Scheme

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator. Operators of Ponzi schemes usually entice new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent.

Ponzi schemes occasionally begin as legitimate businesses, until the business fails to achieve the returns expected. The business becomes a Ponzi scheme if it then continues under fraudulent terms. Whatever the initial situation, the perpetuation of the high returns requires an ever-increasing flow of money from new investors to sustain the scheme.

The scheme is named after Charles Ponzi, who became notorious for using the technique in 1920. The idea, present in novels (for example, Charles Dickens' 1844 novel Martin Chuzzlewit and 1857 novel Little Dorrit each described such a scheme), was actually performed in real life by Ponzi who with his operation took in so much money that it was the first to become known throughout the United States. Ponzi's original scheme was based on the arbitrage of international reply coupons for postage stamps; however, he soon diverted investors' money to make payments to earlier investors and himself.


Typically, extraordinary returns are promised on the original investment and vague verbal constructions such as "hedge futures trading", "high-yield investment programs", or "offshore investment" might be used. The promoter sells shares to investors by taking advantage of a lack of investor knowledge or competence, or using claims of a proprietary investment strategy which must be kept secret to ensure a competitive edge.

Ponzi schemes sometimes commence operations as legitimate investment vehicles, such as hedge funds. For example, a hedge fund can degenerate into a Ponzi scheme if it unexpectedly loses money (or simply fails to legitimately earn the returns promised and/or thought to be expected) and if the promoters, instead of admitting their failure to meet expectations, fabricate false returns and (if necessary) produce fraudulent audit reports.

A wide variety of investment vehicles or strategies, typically legitimate, have become the basis of Ponzi schemes. For instance, Allen Stanford used bank certificates of deposit to defraud tens of thousands of people. Certificates of deposit are usually low-risk and insured instruments, but the Stanford CDs were fraudulent.

Initially the promoter will pay out high returns to attract more investors, and to lure current investors into putting in additional money. Other investors begin to participate, leading to a cascade effect. The "return" to the initial investors is paid out of the investments of new entrants, and not out of profits.

Often the high returns encourage investors to leave their money in the scheme, with the result that the promoter does not have to pay out very much to investors; he simply has to send them statements showing how much they have earned. This maintains the deception that the scheme is an investment with high returns.

Promoters also try to minimize withdrawals by offering new plans to investors, often where money is frozen for a longer period of time, in exchange for higher returns. The promoter sees new cash flows as investors are told they cannot transfer money from the first plan to the second. If a few investors do wish to withdraw their money in accordance with the terms allowed, their requests are usually promptly processed, which gives the illusion to all other investors that the fund is solvent.

Unraveling of a Ponzi Scheme

When a Ponzi scheme is not stopped by the authorities, it sooner or later falls apart for one of the following reasons:
  1. The promoter vanishes, taking all the remaining investment money (which excludes payouts to investors already made).
  2. Since the scheme requires a continual stream of investments to fund higher returns, once investment slows down, the scheme collapses as the promoter starts having problems paying the promised returns (the higher the returns, the greater the risk of the Ponzi scheme collapsing). Such liquidity crises often trigger panics, as more people start asking for their money, similar to a bank run.
  3. External market forces, such as a sharp decline in the economy (for example, the Madoff investment scandal during the market downturn of 2008), cause many investors to withdraw part or all of their funds."